Convert any analog signal to scaled frequency PR-4222 is a new release module from PR Electronics Denmark with DIN mount housing with plug-in screw connectors. It is programmed with the 4501 clip on display which is common to the other 3 universal modules in this family. It has 3 way isolation to . 2.3 kVAC / 250 VAC. It can convert most analog signals to frequency for direct input to PLCs with high level isolation
Universal I/f converter - Universal Input : RTD, Thermocouple, Ohm, mA, V and potentiometer input
- Convert to frequency output in the range 0.001 to 25KHz
- Programmable
- Power supply universal 21.6-253VAC, 19.2-300VDC
- Transmitter power supply built in - Min 16VDC
- Program with clip on low cost indicator/programmer module
- Part of the NEW PR4100 Family with 5 year manufacturer warranty