Isolated converter / splitter : PR-3109 Isolated repeater /splitter : PR-3108 Offering
high density panel connections the PR 3100 6mm series of isolated splitters
and converters give the best value in the market. With 5 years warranty and
high accuracy of 0.05% of span, the 3100 series are the best choice for your
system. The 3108 and 3109 splitters offer full isolation for one input and two
outputs. The 3108 is the low cost version for 4-20mA and 1:1. The 3109 has dip
switch selection of inputs and outputs [individually] as well as a loop power
supply available.
- 6mm
DIN rail or Power rail mount - maximum density
- 2.5KVAC
isolation 250VAC operation
- 24VDC
power supply
- Loop
power supply 17VDC (3109 only)
- 3108...
1:1 0-20mA
- 3109...
0/2-10V, 0/1-5V, 0/4-20mA
and SIL 2 - can be mounted in Zone 2 [not a barrier]