Kelsius Foodcheck HACCP management & recording system
Foodcheck is a software system with users interface on mobile tablets and data and software "in the cloud" . Data is collected either manually using hand held infra red [non contact] thermometers or probe thermometers, or automatically using wireless transmitters and if necessary...RF repeaters. Automatic inputs include temperature, relative humidity and door alarms. Each data can have alarm levels set and the alarms appear on the tablets, and a local strobe light [if selected] As a web based system, data is accessible by user name and password on computers or SMART devices anywhere there is internet access. - Complete view of real-time status of food safety and compliance across the organisation
- Immediate notification of non-conformance means they can be actioned immediately
- Simplified audit preparation - no paperwork
- Reduced human error as many processes automated
- No writing - easy touch screen data entry and easy to operate